VitaTops Coupon!

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Choose 24 of your favorite VitaTops and get 12 FREE VitaTops when you enter coupon code: THANKS14 at Offer expires at Midnight, EDT on 11/16/14.

Vitalicious has just rolled out their 2014 Thanksgiving VitaTop Pack that will make your mouth water! With so much delicious flavor and amazing nutrition, you will feel good about gobbling up this tasty offer and the chance to enjoy 12 extra VitaTops for FREE. All you need to do is this:

  1. Select 24 VitaTops, 6 of each flavor, from drop down menus on left
  2. Select your 12 FREE VitaTops (from drop down menu on left)
  3. Enter coupon code THANKS14 and your 12 FREE VitaTops (valued at $16.00) will be discounted at checkout. Expires 11/16/14.

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