FabKids is offering new members a BUY-ONE-GET-ONE FREE (discount will be applied automatically at checkout) special. With each outfit regularly priced at $39.95, you can now get 2 outfits for this low price!
This deal won’t last forever, it’s a steal. Love it – stay in the FabKids club to get playfully styled outfits, year-round. Don’t love it – cancel anytime for any reason with absolutely no strings attached. No penalties. No problem. Try FabKids today.
Each month FabKids will suggest an outfit. These playfully styled outfits are only $39.95. It’s easy to accept the recommended outfit with a single click either via e-mail or on the site. You may also shop the collection to choose your own outfit, or simply skip the month. There is never an obligation to buy – you may “skip” as often as you’d like.
Sign up today to take advantage of this buy 1, get 1 free promotion!