In anticipation of “Jurassic World Dominion,” the franchise’s final installment that hits theaters nationwide on June 10, 2022, fast food chains Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s have teamed up with Universal Studios to unleash a menu “for humans and dinosaurs alike,” along with 6 days of exclusive offers starting today! Download the app and join My Rewards™ to get the first exclusive offer – a large fountain drink for $.93.
The menu features a variety of savory offerings for carnivores including the mouthwatering Primal Angus Thickburger™, the Primal Burrito and the Primal Biscuit with Fried Egg. For herbivores, Carl’s Jr. will exclusively offer the Beyond Wraptor Burger as well as the Double Beyond Wraptor Burger. Also, MyRewards members will get a bonus 150 stars with any Primal Menu item purchase!